A Net of Wellness

A common-sense approach to stay out of the doctor’s office.

Holistic common sense about your health!

A Net of Wellness

The Approach

I strive to translate complicated health information and share new ideas in an easy-to-understand and down-to-earth manner. I’m especially good at using analogies to convey health information in a way that anyone can understand. I’m quick to laugh with you but am also gently direct.

This website is about sharing information – information that can help you stay healthy and possibly save your life or that of a loved one. I don’t like reinventing the wheel, so I have provided links to the information that I have found to be most valuable. This gives you more than enough to take control of most of your health. Your health is your responsibility, but if you have questions or want some help, please contact me!

Helpful Information

I’ve been following naturopaths, clinical nutritionists, and functional medicine doctors for years. Since Jan 2020 I’ve been listening to well-known virologists, scientists, and biologists through lectures and interviews with independent journalists. Much of this information is being censored and I believe it is important to share. A lot of the info isn’t new to me but confirms what I have been reading about for the past 20+ years.

Synthetic medications, vaccines, fake food, chemicals, and pesticides added to our food, water and air are killing us slowly, particularly when we do not know how to clear these substances from our bodies. Many people know about the importance of nutritious food and supplements, but many are unaware that the body might not even be absorbing these if the digestive system is clogged and isn’t functioning properly. What is the root cause of dis-ease? The easiest and quickest way to explain this is for you to watch the videos below.

Please take the time to watch the 3 videos below. The information can be life changing. Please keep an open mind because some of the concepts may be new to you but there are years of research to back it up.

This above video is over 7 years old but gives Dr Group’s background and what he and other doctors and researchers discovered after many years of practice. His current website is globalhealing.com. His top-of-the-line supplements can be purchased at a discount at Fullscript.

He is not the only one talking about detoxification and good nutrition. I met Dr Glidden years ago. This 5 minute video is worth its weight in gold.
Watch: 3rd Leading cause of Death in the US

After watching the above videos the following video will make total sense.

Take the time to watch it from beginning to end, to understand how something so simple, safe and inexpensive can address many issues. You will not get the real story if you just google CDS.

The Universal Antidote video mentions Andreas Kalcker . This Biophysicist has taken MMS to the next level studying it for the last 15 years after his severe rheumatoid arthritis resolved with the use of MMS. If you visit his website AndreasKalcker.com  you can
access more information regarding CDS.

I have taken classes from both Dr Group and Andreas Kalcker and participate in
their monthly Q&A’s. What I love about both of them is that they are always seeking
the truth, learning what works best, and continuing to do research and share
information. They empower people to take control of their own health, which is
what I also believe in.

I can help you get on the right track and if you have life threatening issues I can give
you names of Doctors that can help you heal and not just deal with symptoms.
After viewing the videos, If you want more info please contact me.

BEMER Therapy

BEMER therapy uses pulsed electromagnetic waves to stimulate the muscles and increase blood circulation. It was first introduced by the BEMER Group as a type of physical vascular therapy in 1998.

BEMER therapy is administered through a device, such as a handheld applicator or full-sized pad. During a therapy session, the device delivers a low-frequency pulsed magnetic field to your muscles and tissues. The intensity of the magnetic field can be adjusted depending on the treatment protocol.

BEMER therapy has been used to treat the following conditions: Chronic Pain, cancer, osteoarthritis (OA), fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis.

Log Heaven

Since retiring, I have had more time to enjoy my own little piece of heaven! I enjoy beekeeping, gardening, and hiking while also maintaining an AirBnB space for guests.