“To elevate the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being of humanity through education and support by which the individual empowers himself/herself to move forward and take responsibility for self and choices in life”.

Annette Petrucelli, R.N.

A Little About Me

In the early stages of my 45+ year career as an RN, I realized that hospitals are great at patching people up and alleviating symptoms, but rarely address the root cause of illness. Fortunately, I spent most of my time in the hospital working in the labor, delivery, and post-partum unit where my patients were encouraged to allow their bodies to follow natural rhythms and processes. It was here that I was able to witness the miracles of life and honor the body’s ability to heal and reproduce.

Although I was able to support natural processes in the birthing unit, I understood that other conditions are treated very differently. My youngest sister was in her early 20’s when she was diagnosed with cancer. In less than two years she succumbed to either the cancer, the treatments, or both. The surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy ravaged her body, offering no respite to support healing.

In the wake of my sister’s death, I started reading about the importance of diet and nutrition. I was already involved in the organic food movement, baking my own bread, preserving vegetables from the garden, and raising animals for meat. I liked knowing where my food came from and providing for my growing family. I had no idea how valuable these lessons would be in the coming years.

The birth of my second child fueled my desire to learn and continually seek better outcomes as my son struggled with developmental delays, seizures, and learning disabilities. I was introduced to Cranial Sacral Therapy, and my son showed incredible improvement with this healing modality. So, I got certified! This then led me to Energy Mirroring which is a form of energetic therapy. From there, I learned about Quantum Biofeedback, which is similar to Energy Mirroring, but uses a computer program to read the subtle energy systems of the body and make gentle corrections on an energetic level. My learning path continues to twist and turn and lead me to new understandings.

I spent the last 10 years of my nursing career in a small Cardiac Rehab program teaching patients how to support their bodies’ natural functioning by eating real food, eliminating toxins, exercising safely, and decreasing stress.

Although the modalities I practice continue to change, I have always had a passion for sharing the lessons I’ve learned. I strive to shorten the learning curve for my clients so they can choose to live a healthier and more relaxed life with minimal outside intervention.

The bottom line is that healing is an inside job. We all have the power to heal within ourselves if we provide the necessary nutrients and eliminate toxins effectively.



(802) 238-8547



South Royalton, VT